Make Yourself Proud


How serious are you about achieving your goals for 2013? I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to achieve each of mine! Did you know that if you write something down than it is more likely to happen? Many studies show that those who are able to visually see their goals are more likely  to achieve them. If you write down your goals than you are 33% more likely to be successful. That is pretty impressive. So if you haven’t already, write down each of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them (in detail- must these steps be done monthly, weekly, daily?). Hang up your goals where you will see them often. If you really want to achieve them share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable. Each week tell them your goal and at the end of the week set a time where your accountability partner may ask you if you achieved your weekly goal. I have learned that if you don’t set a time, it won’t happen- so be intentional about it! My husband and I sit down every Sunday after church and go over our weekly questions and budget. In 2013 we will be adding our goal list to this weekly mini date. Feel free to hold me accountable as well! The more the merrier!

Make sure your goals are specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant, and timely.

Time to get writing!

(See others posts on goal setting here)



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