Why the Subway is the Prettiest Part of NYC

Do you ever have one of those days where your heart is just filled with gratitude? This week has been full of them. As I walk around New York in this absolutely freezing weather, I can’t help but smile and praise the Lord.

When in Thailand, I would watch the sunset and ponder how omnipotent our God is. How incredible is it that the Lord created such beautiful scenery. There is something majestic about watching a sunset over the ocean or enjoying a cup of coffee while looking out at a vast mountain range. Just thinking of these views make me smile and thank Abba for these sweet memories, these beautiful reflections of His great work.

On Wednesday I was reminded of something even more beautiful. Normally, we think of the subway as being gross and dirty. But on Wednesday I was reminded that my morning subway is filled with men and women who reflect the image of our Heavenly Father. We were each created in His image. As I sat in the subway this week, I couldn’t help but tear up as I looked around. How beautiful is it that in one small space, we can have men and women of so many different nationalities? Each of these men and women reflecting just a small glimpse of our omnipotent God.

On one morning commute I noticed the man siting to my left was reading a book in Russian and across from me was a young jewish boy wearing a kippah and a young Indian girl wearing a sari. On that same train I heard French, Spanish, and another language I did not recognize. It was heartwarming to know I am such a small reflection of Abba. We are all made in Him image. That is why the subway is the prettiest part of NYC. For a short moment, we are all sitting still and sharing in each others journey- each reflecting one small piece of Yahweh.

Yes, the mountains and the ocean reflect that God is an artist, but WE reflect pieces of Him. That is far more beautiful than any sunset will ever be.


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Caleb Arnold
    January 22, 2016 at 11:35 am

    Amazing post! It is easy to forget that WE are the only thing created in His image! Thanks for this great reminder!

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