How to Lead a Life of Purpose



The other week my mom forwarded me an email titled “How to Lead a Life of Purpose” from Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership program.  The opening line of this email asked,

‘What makes the average person truly happy?’

According to Ramsey, research shows that “those who have lives filled with purpose are much more satisfied and have much higher self-esteem than people who don’t.” He continued by explaining 3 key steps to leading a life of purpose.

1. Make it a Mission

‘Just like a business mission statement drives your company, a personal mission statement directs your life’ (Ramsey). Not only do we need to make a personal mission statement, we need to live by it (Tweet this). It is a great foundation. If When you lose focus (because let’s be honest, we all lose focus every now and then), your mission statement is something you can always return to.

2. Be Intentional

The summer of 2010 I chose 2 words I wanted to live by: choice & intentional. I chose choice because each day is a choice (to live for God or me that day, choose joy or negativity, etc) and intentional because most of the time the true blessings in life don’t just fall into your lap. We must be intentional in every aspect of our lives (sharing our faith, with our time, with family/friends, at work and about our work, etc). Dreams become goals when you are intentional and set deadlines (Tweet this).  You’re not accidentally going to bump into success.

3. Get Involved

Yep, I’m about to quote Ghandi- “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Stated simply- act. Do it. Volunteer, donate, serve, or do whatever you can. In my opinion, there are few bigger blessings than blessing others. It is easy to forget how blessed we are. Sometimes we need the reminder that it just feels good to give back (Tweet this).

Have you found something that makes you truly happy?

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  • Reply
    August 2, 2013 at 9:58 am

    so true! Im really loving your blog lady :)

  • Reply
    August 2, 2013 at 5:42 pm

    Your blog sure does serve a purpose my friend! That’s encouraging others in their walks with the Lord! Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you!!!

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