Swimming in Tennis Courts

swim in tennis courts

Are you trying to swim in tennis courts? Okay, if you haven’t read Jon Acuff’s book “Quitter” that question may sound completely ridiculous. Let’s think about tennis courts and pools for a moment. Both are great. Both are rectangles, both are a source of exercise, both may be used for enjoyment, and both are traditionally outside. (Yes, there are probably many other similarities that I did not mention here).  But if you try playing tennis in a pool the ball will not properly bounce and if you try swimming on a tennis court you will get hurt & bruised- regardless of the stroke you try.

In “Quitter” Acuff talks about how we often try to make one thing something that it is not. The example he used was his job. He writes about how he was trying to make his day job more like his dream job. In the end, he says it was painful and unsuccessful- like trying to swim in a tennis court.

Today I just want to remind you to look at things for what they are. Find beauty in what you have. Because no matter how much you may want a swimming pool, you will never be able to swim and make waves in a tennis court.

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  • Reply
    May 29, 2013 at 3:03 pm

    absolutely true! and something i’m sure many people struggle with. thanks for sharing :) i’ll have to add that book to my “to do” list!

  • Reply
    May 29, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    Really needed this today. Not only do I do this in work, but I also do this to where I live. Always comparing it to where I want to live rather than enjoying my home for what it DOES have

    • Reply
      beyond blessed blog
      May 29, 2013 at 11:39 pm

      I’m right there with you! Definitely struggle with this. But The Lord is teaching me to look for my blessings

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