Your Message

While I do love writing, I also love spending time with my family. For the 10 days or so I will be visiting my parents in their new home in New York City. I’ve already been here couple of days and am hardly finding the time to write. So, needless to say I will probably not be posting as frequently and my posts will probably consist mostly of photos or short inspiring messages. I will be back in early July. So take the extra time you normally spend on the computer reading blogs and go do something inspiring or motivating! Spend time with the Lord, read a motivational book, clean your home, spend time with you significant other, work out… oh the options are endless! Have a great day!

Think of how many people you encounter each hour, day, week, month, year.
What an impact you can make!

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  • Reply
    Robert Budd
    June 29, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    Love spending Tim with you Chloe. Be blessed

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