Can you tell that I love peonies? Images via Pinterest
Happy month of love! Remember the other day how we talked about how loving and living are synonymous? Well this is the perfect month to implement this style of living. Be intentional about showering those around you with love. You may be the only source of love they come into contact with today. Don’t miss your chance to demonstrate Christ’s love for others.
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34
And happy birthday month Mom! Hope you have a warm and relaxing birthday in Curacao! Feel free to send some sun this way!
I saw your mom was in Curacao, and had to share a funny story. We went to Curacao when I was maybe 17. My brother used to sail so we went sailing on a catamaran one day and I was just looking over the side at the water and a fish jumped out of the water and slapped me in the face. Haha…I had a bruise on my cheeck for a week! So tell your parents to watch out for the face-slapping fish. :-)
Haha I love that! They actually went sailing today so I will have to ask if they came across any face-slapping fish :) Definitely on my list of places I want to go!