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  • Ruth

    A few weeks ago I joined my first women’s Bible study since moving back to Texas. My heart has been yearning for a solid group of girls to dive into the…

  • Based on Truth

    Last week at the Institute we studied situational ethics. Can you think of a more important lesson for those going out into the business world? We looked at situations that we…

  • Chloe B Arnold

    10 Things I want to do Before I Turn 30

    I’m a big believer in the power of writing down a goal. I’ve found when I write down my goals I am far more likely to actually achieve them. And I’m…

  • A Rise Movement in NYC

    “Love is never stationary. In the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does.” Bob Goff There is a movement taking place…

  • You are Enough

    Do you ever have one of those days where you long for more? If only I were able to achieve ______ or do ______ or __(fill in the blank)____. The options…

  • Choosing Grace

    “Grace only sticks to our imperfections. Those who can’t accept their imperfections can’t accept grace either.” Donald Miller  Last year, I was hurt- deeply. And I refused to give grace for…

  • A Table Experience

    Confession- I am lost in the kitchen. After a year of living in Thailand and eating out every day, a couple months of traveling around the U.S. visiting family, and the…

  • Authentic Community

    As I mentioned before, September I am focusing on allowing room for my heart to be changed. September is a month where fall makes its grand entrance- leaves begin to change,…