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More Than We Can Comprehend

Total Surrender

To say that this summer has been crazy would be an understatement. From moving back to Dallas, starting a new job, celebrating life with family on the west coast, visiting more family on the east coast, and all of the messy bits in the middle… We have been blessed. We have enjoyed every moment and every memory created with these memories, but we have definitely begun to let certain goals in our lives slip. Prior to the other week, I couldn’t remember the last time I really worked out (unless you count swimming playing in the pool or surfing and boogie boarding in the ocean) and our diet had not been much better.

The Lord gave my husband and me BIG dreams and big goals (some of which we will eventually share- once we have more clarity and know more details). But due to the fact that our schedule seemed to be ever changing, I stopped keeping up with my daily planner and started taking life one day at a time. (It’s summer, that is acceptable, right?) I figured that by not planning out every hour of my life I would be leaving more room for the Holy Spirit to guide my day. After a month of living this way, I realized I was just trying to justify my lack of definitive direction. I was just coasting. While a lot of people are able to be productive living day-to-day, I’ve learned that I am not. So two weekends ago I reprinted my daily planner, reprinted the goal sheets my father gave my husband and me three Christmas’s ago (SO worth checking out! I actually made some new/similar sheets that are organized slightly different… and are prettier to look at ;) ), made a pitcher of iced green tea, and sat outside and worked on them. I am glad to say, now that my days are planned I can see and hear the Lord’s direction more clearly than ever. He is teaching me to let go of the things I have been clutching on to and to surrender each day to Him. Each day begins with a cup of coffee while doing my quiet time (currently my Kelly Minter study on Ruth & Jesus Calling) and time reading over/praying over that day’s schedule. By planning out my days/weeks/month I am learning how to truly surrender to the Spirit and to listen to His guidance. With God by my side, I am determined to make things happen!

How do you surrender to Him?
Are you clutching onto something that you need to surrender?

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  1. August 1, 2013 / 2:41 am

    About five years ago, I started just following God…no reservations. Before that, I always rationalized things, thought them through, evaluated them. I could talk myself out of any blessing. But five years ago, when I went through a major change in my life, I said, “You know what, God? I have done all I can do with my life. Let’s see what you can do. Anything you say, I will do it. You say, ‘Go’, I will go.” Since that day, I have been blessed abundantly. I have gone through some struggles and setbacks, but they led me to where I am today and I am on my way UP. Thank you for sharing your story. I am praying with you about your Big dreams and will be circling them with you!

    • August 1, 2013 / 12:53 pm

      Absolutely love this!! SO thankful that the Lord captivated your heart completely!

      Reminds me of Ruth 1:16 ” Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people…” Ruth went where the Lord called her with no reservations and was blessed abundantly for it (despite all odds being against her).

      Thank you for your prayers! I’m excited to see how the Lord answers :) Be blessed!

  2. August 1, 2013 / 1:59 pm

    Good post! (My daughter and her husband just moved from Dallas to College Station).

    • August 1, 2013 / 2:01 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it! Love College Station! So many great ministries & ministry opportunities! Be blessed!

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