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Our Favorite Baby Items & Our Daily Schedule for 6-20 Weeks

We’ve officially been a family of 3 for over 4 months now! WHAT?! Somehow it feels like Cayson just arrived, yet it also feels like he has been part of our little family forever. Well, it’s safe to say life has officially normalized a bit more and we have learned so much more about what items he {and we} love most. I’ve received countless questions on Instagram about what items I suggest, what our schedule looks like, how we travel with him, and so so much more. So I decided to share all of our favorite baby items and our daily schedule with you all! I truly believe Cayson is such a good sleeper because of a few key items noted below and our schedule.

Our Most Used Baby Items

At Home:

  • Moms on Call book :: I read the book & downloaded the app. I follow the app schedule and I really believe that is part of why Cayson sleeps so well. He does so much better on a schedule!
  • Magic Merlin Sleepsuit :: I literally can’t imagine life without this thing. We had to drop the Ollie Swaddle {which we loved} at 8 weeks because he was rolling over in it. We tried swaddling him with one arm out, with both arms out and just about every other variation you can think of- nothing worked. Until we found the Magic Merlin. It is a game changer.
  • Fisher Price Play Mat :: Cayson loves playing on this little mat! It is so cute watching him grab the toys and hearing him coo as he plays.
  • Bumbo Seat :: Cayson constantly wants to stand or sit, but he isn’t strong enough to do either on his own yet. So this seat is so helpful for him. I’ll sit him in it and put him next to the play mat so he can entertain himself a bit while I work or unpack.
  • Pacifiers :: We love these pacifiers because they have attachable lids to protect the pacifier from getting dirty.
  • Stokke Crib :: It’s on wheels so I just rolled it over next to our bed at night until about the 2 month mark. At about 2 months we moved him out of our room. {We skipped getting a bassinet & jumped straight to the crib. This helped us skip the whole “transition” period I’ve heard horror stories about. Cayson loves sleeping in his crib!}
  • iBaby Monitor :: I LOVE this camera. It tells me the temperature of the room, notifies me if he makes noise or if he moves a ton and has incredible quality videos. It connects directly to my iPhone which I love! And my family and Caleb downloaded the app so they can watch him when he naps or sleeps at night too!
  • Owlet :: I put this on Cayson at night and for naps. It gives me peace of mind and I can’t imagine not using it.
  • Keekaroo :: Best changing pad ever! It’s literally rubber so we just wipe it down after those accidental pees that happen mid-change. It saves us from doing so much extra laundry.
  • Shnuggle Baby Bath Tub :: He LOVES his bath time. If you follow me on social media, you may have seen my video of him dancing, giggling and splashing in his tub.
  • Gathre Mat :: We use this for tummy time & when we travel. It’s easy to clean & we can leave it out because it’s actually pretty! It will also be great for picnics in the park and beach trips.
  • Children’s Illustrated Bible :: We read one story together each night.
  • Boppy Pillow :: I don’t use this AS much anymore, but every now & then my back bothers me and this helps.

For Going Out:

  • Wildbird Sling :: This sling uses rings, so it is super user friendly and Cayson loves it. It’s linen so it breathes well in the heat. I’ve worn it all over Bermuda, Italy, California and New York City. It’s even more comfortable than I thought it would be.
  • MiaMilly Carrier :: This carrier is easier for Caleb- although you can’t really sit comfortably while wearing it. I was convinced I wanted the Ergo Baby carrier, but this one has pockets & zippers, so it’s so much more convenient!.
  • Azaria Diaper Bag :: Let me just say a diaper backpack is a MUST! I love the pockets on this diaper bag. I have this bag in black and it’s perfect for fall and winter.
  • FAWN Diaper Bag :: I prefer the leather of this diaper backpack, but the pockets are better on the Azaria. I have this in gray and it’s gorgeous.
  • Bugaboo Fox :: We got it in Grey Melange & love it! We attach his carseat to it when traveling.
  • Chicco Fit2 Infant & Toddler Car Seat :: I love that it has a base, but also can be used without the base. It’s so easy to attach to our stroller and is easy to travel with. We’ve actually used it on airplanes too.

Cayson’s Schedule for 6-20 Weeks

We are doing our best to follow the schedule from Moms On Call. First I bought the book, but quite honestly I prefer using just the app. When at home, I’m pretty good at following this schedule to my best ability. I’ll be sharing more about our schedule when we travel soon- stay tuned!

  • 7 AM :: Feed 
  • 8:30 AM :: Nap
  • 10 AM  :: Feed
  • 11:30 AM  :: Nap
  • 1 PM :: Feed
  • 2:30 PM :: Nap
  • 4 PM :: Feed
  • 5:30 PM :: Nap
  • 6:30 PM :: Begin nighttime routine {read, bath, etc.}
  • 7 PM :: Feed
  • 7:30 PM :: Bed

Cayson stopped night feeds around 5-6 weeks & started sleeping 7:30 pm – 7 am {most nights} around 6.5 weeks. Since he gained weight so well, somewhere between 3-5 weeks we started just putting his pacifier in when he woke up in the middle of the night and he would fall right back asleep. It was very rare that he required more than a pacifier to fall back asleep.

I do need to mention, the 3 month sleep regression is REAL! Like too real. Our once beautiful sleeper has been waking up a few times in the night, but he is slowly getting back to his great sleep pattern.

What are some of your favorite baby items?
What items am I missing or should I try?

Find our favorite baby items and schedule for weeks 0-5 here

Favorite Baby Items



  1. valerie budd
    July 21, 2018 / 10:48 am

    Love the feet photo!! don’t know how we raised kids without all new gadgets……

  2. valerie budd
    July 21, 2018 / 10:48 am

    Love the feet photo!! don’t know how we raised kids without all new gadgets……

  3. July 23, 2018 / 9:33 am

    Really a great post, Nice to see all of you in a single frame. Best product suggested for parents.

  4. Nataly
    July 29, 2018 / 1:09 pm

    I love these photos of you all! He is just too cute!

  5. July 31, 2018 / 5:08 pm

    such a pretty family! saving for when I get on the baby train!

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