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10 Goals for 2019

Each year, Caleb and I have a little date night where we sit down and talk about our dreams for the year. What do we want for 2019? Looking back, if 2019 was our best year- why was it our best year? What made it so amazing? We think about where we are and where we want to be.  It’s a bit intimidating, not only sitting down and writing our goals together- but SHARING my goals with you all. I’m a huge believer in the power of writing down a goal, but sharing them all with you bring the pressure of actually achieving each goal. It’s like an automatic accountability. So in an attempt to keep some accountability and inspire you to create your own goals, here are 10 of my goals for 2019!

  1. Host more. We started hosting people to our apartment more often in 2018, but I can tell 2019 is going to be our year! My parents always had an open door and our home was always filled with friends and family. I want to have people over more often this year- whether that be for meals around the table or glasses of bubbly in our living room!
  2. Less screen time. I spend way more time on my computer and phone than I care to admit. Granted- I use both for work, but still. I want to be much more intentional about how much time I spend on my phone.
  3. Explore more. I want to take advantage of living in NYC. There is so much to see and so much to do! Since having Cayson we’ve really put exploring on the back burner. I want get back to going to museums, seeing Broadway shows, intentionally seeking out fun restaurants, do more ‘touristy’ things here in the city. Maybe even have a little staycation at a fancy hotel? And I want to explore areas just outside of the city!
  4. Be more consistent in blogging and vlogging. 2019 is the year I am going to be committed to my content calendar. We are finally getting a somewhat “normal” routine as a family and I am determined to creating more content this year. I LOVE creating videos, but they are so time consuming. This year I want to utilize YouTube and Pinterest more!
  5. Be intentional with family. 2018 was both an incredible year and a really hard year for my family. Cayson was the obvious high, but in 2018 I lost my maternal grandma and my paternal grandpa- both of whom I was extremely close with. It was heart breaking losing them. My family is literally spread out from coast to coast-northern and southern California to Texas, Florida, Georgia and New York. In 2019 I want to be more intentional about visiting them all and spending time with everyone. Life is precious and fleeting. I want to make as many memories together as possible!
  6. Read more. Before Cayson I used to read all the time. I love reading on my Kindle so I can return to my highlights at any moment, but now Caleb and I spend our spare time enjoying our one-on-one time. Maybe I’ll start listening to audiobooks? I’ll miss highlighting and making notes, but at least I’ll start “reading” more books… Any book suggestions? I love learning and being inspired from a good book!
  7. Build community in NYC. New York City is a transient city, so it seems every time we make new friends, other friends move away. We are always trying to make new friends and build a community here in the city- not only for us, but also for Cayson.
  8. Visit at least one new country this year. My goal is to have visited 30 countries by the time I turn 30. I love how much visiting another country can impact who you are- from pushing you out of your comfort zone and teaching you about other cultures to reminding you of your blessings and realigning your priorities. I’m 3 countries away and I’m 28 years old, so the clock is ticking. And I want Cayson to consistently be introduced to new experiences.
  9. Get more organized. This has been on my goal list for years now. My parents are SO organized. And honestly, Caleb is too. I however, need some serious work. Any tips?
  10. Think about baby #2. Yep, I went there… I can’t believe I just wrote that. I’m still loving time with just Cayson, but near the END of 2019 we want to start trying for number 2. So if timing goes as planned, there won’t be an official baby announcement until 2020, but you just never know how timing ends up!

learn how I’m prioritizing my health in 2019 here


sweater old, similar here :: velvet headband {set of 3 for $11} :: jeans {under $80} :: lip stain
La Maison du Chocolat :: Essie fingers & toes :: champagne flutes



  1. February 4, 2019 / 7:00 pm

    you two look so dang cozy! what a dreamy fire! I definitely want to host more now that I’m in my house – but I’m waiting to get it just a little more put together!

  2. ashley hargrove
    February 4, 2019 / 10:27 pm

    You have so many amazing goals for 2019! Less screen time is on my agenda as well as focusing on working on more things I actually enjoy doing.

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