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Holiday Cheer

Now that we have officially past Thanksgiving and December 1 there is nothing holding me back from enjoying Michael Bublé’s Christmas CD. It seems that just about everyone finds something to be joyful about this time of year and I absolutely love it. The Christmas season is filled with love, family, friends, parties, festive foods and drinks, cheer, gifts, music, sparkles and so much more.

This season also causes each of us to come up with a “wish list.” While I do not think this is inherently bad, I do think that sometimes we lose focus of what is truly supposed to be cherished during this season. Jesus. It is our human nature to desire to get, to accumulate and to look out for ourselves. However, the Bible calls us to share our resources, our faith, our love, our time, our talents and our money. Sharing is using and enjoying something we have with others.

This season remember that Jesus tells us:

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35



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