Could there be a prettier sunset or a more perfect proposal?
Today is a special day! Two years ago today my Husband, parents, and I were all in Cozumel, Mexico. While I do love every vacation to the beach, this trip was exceptionally special. Why? Because on this vacation my now Husband proposed. I cannot believe that event occurred 2 years ago today. I can recall the event as if it was last week and still get that giddy excitement thinking about it! You can read about the picture perfect proposal here. Since I have already shared with you the proposal, I thought I would share with you how we met.
My Husband and I met on May 19th, 2010. The summer of 2010 Husband and I had both signed up to be counselors at Kanakuk’s middle school kamp (yes, with a “k”). This kamp is a Christian athletic kamp. All of the staff arrives 2 weeks before kampers to set up kamp, prepare for kids, and bond with one another. While we had met earlier in the week, the first night that we truly got to know each other was the night of the staff western party.That night we “two-stepped” to nearly half of the songs. We spent most of the night dancing, laughing, and talking. A couple of days later we went on a morning walk. Little did I know, according to kamp standards this was a date. Upon realizing this I may or may not have stood him up on our next morning walk date- (sorry honey, love you!!). I later made sure he knew that I was not looking for a relationship. As the summer continued we remained good friends. The second half of the summer I worked in the kitchen so my nights were a little bit more open and we got to talk more. On his last night at kamp (he had to leave a few days early and spent his last couple of days assisting in the kitchen) we stayed up talking by the office until past midnight (this was considered to be very late at kamp). That was the night that I realized God may have big plans for the two of us. But naturally, I would not admit that to anyone! He returned to Georgia and I returned to Florida (I was a student at FSU) but we continued talking. The next time we saw each other was September 13 in the Atlanta airport. I was flying back to Florida after having visited some friends at the University of Oklahoma and had a layover in Atlanta. That day we officially started dating and 6 months later we became engaged!

We watched the sunset for a solid 15 minutes. It was incredible! So thankful we had such great photographers!