Happy 2014 friends!!! This is going to be a wonderful year- I can feel it! Prior to the New Year, I always choose a word that will remain at the core of my actions for the coming year. This word helps guide my thoughts, actions, goals, and every other aspect of my life. This year, my word is share.
Honestly, it was my oh-so-wonderful- husband who came up with this word. After many conversations and prayers with him about what fires me up, my very wise husband suggested share.
In 2014 I hope to
share Jesus,
share my time,
share my money,
share my love,
& share me.
I want to be less focused on me,
& more focused on others.

In 2013 I was reminded that:
- His plan always prevails… mine on the other hand, do not.
- His plans are always better than my own… even when I think my plans are awesome.
- Fellowship is such a huge blessing!
- Marriage is the best! I’m overwhelmed by how the Lord uses my husband to tangibly show me His love.
- Life is a precious, fleeting gift. Embrace it and embrace those around you.
- I need Jesus. Without Him I am lost.
- It’s okay to not be okay. But it’s not okay to stay there.
And here is a little something from sweet Lara Casey to help you make the best of 2014! Enjoy!

{via Lara Casey}
Such a good word to use: Share! That will make for a very fun and fulfilling year for you and many others. Happy new year to you and yours!