“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history,
beauty, and in the point of life.”
Thomas Jefferson
Visiting Paris changed my life. Okay, that sounds dramatic. So let me explain. I visited Paris for the first time with my parents when I was in 6th grade and something about the city captivated me. From the divine flavors and Haussmann architecture to the posh style and romantic language, I couldn’t get enough. After years of visiting Paris & spending weeks at a time there, I’ve come to learn a few important life lessons from Paris & Parisians.
1.) They enjoy the simple pleasures in life :: Parisians embrace the ‘joie de vivre’ lifestyle. Whether that be enjoying a sweet goûter or planning a little extra travel time so they can take the slightly longer/more beautiful route… They embrace the simple pleasures in life and don’t deprive themselves. If they want a buttery croissant, a glass of wine at lunch or cheese after dinner- they go for it! And because they allow themselves to savor these pleasures, they have learned not to over indulge.
2.) Quality over quantity :: In America it seems we are constantly adding something to our closet, home or playroom. But in Paris they have limited space and focus on quality over quantity. I want to bring more of this into my life.
3.) More formal :: I love how Parisians dress for their day and choose to actually use their best crystal on a regular basis. One of my Parisian friends told me getting dressed {or using their best crystal} and putting their best foot forward each day is a sign of respect for themselves and those around them. I thought that was such a beautiful sentiment.
4.) Long meals :: Meals in Paris are an experience and can last for hours. I love how the French plan multiple courses so they can savor the flavors and the conversations can linger a little longer. I have so many memories with my family around the table growing up and want to continue this tradition with my family.
What would you add to this list?

dress Eli Tahari :: Trench Sézane :: shoes

I have visited Paris and lived in other places in France and it is true. Meals can be very long. I used to work in a research facility and all the staff would drink wine with the meal and take a nap after the lunch in the Sun. So it was pretty slow, as you explain. Paris is such a cool city:-)
Yes! I started switching to a Parisian capsule wardrobe this year. Working on quality over quantity!
I would love to embrace the Parisian style of dining, spending hours over good food and good company. I have yet to visit Paris, but I hope to go there soon. I would love to see with my own eyes the Parisian fashion as well, I have heard many times that the locals dress up really nice.
I love all of these Parisian lifestyle lessons, but the one that resonates with me the most is to enjoy the simple pleasures. Whether it’s marveling over the beautiful flowers in my garden, admiring the miraculous “baby bump” of a woman at the Y (with a touch of nostalgia!), or appreciating the comfort of my soft bed before rising for the day, these are the types of moments worth savoring to me. I also like the sentiment about respecting yourself and those around you through formality. I am a pretty casual person, so I will be thinking more on that!
I adore Paris. It’s my favourite city in the world. I’ve been 6 times and just booked my 7th trip. I agree with all of your points. I love how they put living life the top of their list. They rather live than work, splurge on few things, appreciate a good meal and classic fashion pieces. J’adore Paris!
These are wonderful lessons! Some people think Parisians are snobby but really they’re just quite savvy and know what they want and how to go about it–unapologetically. And there is nothing wrong with confidence and following your desires.
Totally intriguing, I mean Paris is beautiful, indeed. I can totally see why it changed your life. Thanks to you I learned more stuff about Paris and its people. There is definitely lesson to be learned here from enjoying life to the fullest to appreciating everything little things. It sounds like you had a food time there although you were just a kid still remember.
You are right – Pariseans just have class. The dress better and eat better and just spend more thought on style and aesthetics. I have not been to Paris for a long time (I think my last visit was 8 years ago), but we are planning a short trip later this year. And I am looking forward to dress up and having some suberb dinners there.
I agree with you, parisians always look well dressed, not sure if intentional or it’s just how they grow up! I love the long meals as well and sitting always looking into the streets and just watching people go by :)