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No Excuses, No Regrets


It’s official… I have been sitting here starring at this computer screen trying to find the words to type. Each sentence I write does not seem to be adequate or sufficient. So rather than trying to describe this man’s journey (his joys, his struggles, his blessings, his sorrows) I am going to simply direct you to his page. This is a link you WANT to click- I promise. Seriously.

Visit his blog here.


Could they be any sweeter?

This 30-year-old man has been a teacher to me, a friend of my family, a husband to Bailey for 5 years, a father to Ellie for 3 years, and a lover of Christ for many years. His testimony is incredible. His blog will inspire you to live (to really live), to love, to be a better friend/husband/wife/etc, to cry, and ultimately, it will inspire you to praise the Lord for His great love. He encourages you to live with no excuses and to love with no regrets.

What a blessing it is that we already know that death has been defeated. Praise the Lord that after our earthly body passes, we have eternity with Christ!

Yes, they are precious!

Please join me in praying for Andrew, his wife Bailey, his daughter Ellie, and all of his family members and friends. The Lord has been, and continues to, use Andrew in ways that he will never know.

Pray that the  Lord will do something so big through Andrews life that it is evident that it could only have been through Him.

And don’t miss his “Ellie Project L and E” he is working on for his daughter. Seriously- it is the incredible!

Visit his wife’s blog here.

Help here.

Shirt benefiting the Heards

Shirt benefiting the Heards



  1. April 5, 2013 / 10:22 am

    This is so sweet! Thanks for sharing, cousin-in-law :)

    • April 5, 2013 / 1:38 pm

      They are a wonderful couple and deserve all the prayers possible, so I am honored to share them with everyone :)

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