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5 Ways I’m Prioritizing My Health in 2019

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2019 already? I know we all say this every year- but where did 2018 go?! It flew by!

As we enter into 2019, I’m determined to refocus my priorities a bit. I’ll be sharing my overall 2019 goals soon, but thought I would start by sharing the 5 ways I’m prioritizing my health in 2019. From the cliché eating clean to one less traditional goal- a goal you probably want to add too.

  1. Taking care of my eyes :: Growing up we were always warned we should be moisturizing our skin and limiting screen time, but as we’ve gotten older sometimes it’s just not possible to limit screen time. In 2019 I am making sure my husband and I both wear Felix Gray computer glasses. I literally swear by these glasses. They are amazing! I can stare at my computer all day and still not have a headache. My brother borrowed mine for a few hours and purchased them by the end of the day. He swears by them now too! I mean, just think about how many hours we spend staring at screens? Computers, phones, TV, etc… We have the Roebling & the Nash styles.
  2. Focusing on what I eat & HOW I eat :: I have this really bad habit of not cooking for myself and eating while I work. I’ll prepare food for Cayson, but just slack on my own food. In 2019 I want to be more intentional about what I put into my body and when I do. We are intentional about sitting down as a family for dinner at the end of the day, but other than that my meals are a mess.
  3. Updating my skincare regimen :: In 2018 I became the skincare-equivalent of a yoyo-dieter. I was so on again, off again it’s embarrassing. So in 2019 I’m determined to start a regimen and stick to it. Since I’m a self-proclaimed francophile and lover of all things French, I’ve stocked up on a handful of french girl beauty favorites. Because let’s be honest, French girls have the best skin.
  4. Waking up 30 minutes earlier :: Confession, I need  a lot of sleep. If I don’t get 7+ hours {ideally 8+} I’m a zombie. Luckily, Cayson sleeps 8 PM to 8 AM. At night Caleb and I soak up a few hours of just us time- whether we are watching a movie or just chatting over a pot of tea. But in the morning I sleep in until just before Cayson gets up. In 2019 I really want to be better about waking up at 7 so I can have a cup of coffee & a longer quiet time before my day really begins.
  5. Exercise :: I walk quite a bit in NYC, but that’s about it. I really want to start doing squats, abs and yoga at home more often. I need to do something to tighten up and burn some fat. I’m not really worried about losing weight, but just tightening up and getting lean. Do you have any favorite at home workouts or moves?

How are you prioritizing your health in 2019?

on me:
shirt {on sale for $7 at Nordstrom} :: blue blocker glasses c/o Felix Gray :: computer case

on Cayson:
shirt Zara, sold out similar here :: pants Gap

on Caleb:
shirt Century 21 ::  blue blocker glasses c/o Felix Gray




  1. January 14, 2019 / 2:14 pm

    This is such a great post! I have a pair of blue light glasses and I need to wear them more often!

  2. January 15, 2019 / 11:56 am

    I love wearing my glasses! It’s especially important to make sure they protect our eyes from blue lights since we are looking at our phones and computers a lot!

  3. Nataly
    January 22, 2019 / 8:35 am

    Great tips here! I need to get some glasses like these asap!

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