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85 Days

85 days until I get to marry the man who has captivated my heart and who cares for me in a way that I thought I could only dream of! I am so excited to begin my life with my best friend, accountability partner and the man who encourages me in my walk with the Lord. While 85 days is finally beginning to sound like a small number to me, I know that these will be some of the longest 85 days of my life. I could not be more proud of Caleb for choosing to serve at Kanakuk Kamp’s K-West this summer (the kamp that we met at- see pictures & read about the proposal here). The Lord is going to use him in so many ways and I just cannot wait to hear all of his stories!

Today was one of those days where I just really missed having Caleb next to me, holding my hand and experiencing life together. While he is at kamp he hardly has his phone and I can really feel the distance. As I was enjoying the beautiful sun and mountains in Colorado I began thinking about this time of separation. I began feeling as though I was catching a glimpse of what the Lord’s heart must feel when the church (and us as individuals) gain distance from Him and the things that are so important to Him. His love for us is so much more extravagant than I can even pretend to comprehend. He longs and desires for our hearts, each and every minute of every day. God so deeply, passionately, desperately loves us.

If I long so badly to be in fellowship with Caleb every moment of the day, can you imagine how strongly our Father yearns for fellowship with us?

Where is your focus?

“We love, because He first loved us.” -1 John 4:19



  1. May 31, 2012 / 4:01 am

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! You are darling.

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