Looking back, 2021 was kind of a blur. Somehow, so much has happened and yet everything remained the same. 2021 was the first year in 15+ years where I didn’t set any written goals. Normally, I love sitting down and reflecting on the previous year before coming up with goals for the upcoming year. But with everything that happened {or didn’t happen} in 2020, I chose to just give myself grace and coast for a year.
But as 2021 comes to a close, I’m finally feeling at peace with the world again. I’ve found ways to navigate this ‘new normal’ and am optimistic about the coming year. So here are 10 of my 2022 goals!
- Wake up earlier :: Somehow, neither of my boys are morning people- which I’m HUGELY thankful for because I’m a big sleeper. Cayson might wake up before 8, but he stays in bed and either plays in bed or sings to himself- and somehow Ciaran just sleeps through it. But I really want to start waking up earlier so I can have more time to get things done before the boys are up.
- Declutter :: Slowly, but surely, I’m working to declutter my spaces. Over the past 7 years in NYC we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff. And we definitely don’t need all of it. It’s time to get back to the basics.
- Less screen time :: I love that the iPhone tells us our weekly average screen time. I really want to focus on being more present this next year. While a lot of my job does rely on my phone, I want to be more intentional about getting the bulk of phone screen time work done before my boys wake up.
- Commit to working out :: This year I was introduced to Pvolve and really love it! And while I still don’t feel safe taking classes in person, I really love their online classes!
- Create more picture books :: Picture books are one of my favorite gifts for my parents because they are the perfect gift for the person who has everything. Yet somehow I never have a second book printed for me. I want to be better about making picture books of our family throughout the year.
- Get more adventurous in the kitchen :: I’ve never been a big cook, but I would love to dive into cooking and making delicious meals for my family.
- Continue learning French :: I kind of took a hiatus from my french lessons, but I recently started getting back into them and love seeing my progress!
- Read more :: I used to be an avid reader and that has dwindled since the boys were born. I started reading again recently and was reminded how much I enjoy it!
- Blog more :: I LOVE looking back over the past 10+ years and seeing how much I’ve grown. I want to continue using this space to document our lives, our travels and lessons learned.
- Get back to Paris :: I know, we keep going back to Paris. But it’s truly my favorite place & I just can’t get enough. In my dream world we would split time between the US & Paris.
We have lots of exciting things coming in 2022, so be sure to follow my Instagram account for updates!
Photos by Pret a Photo
What’s one of your goals for 2022?

Happy New Year
I’m going to read more this year as well! Looking forward to getting back to things that I love doing.
This is a great list. I love your goals. I also plan to have less screen time and try to wake up earlier. No more binge-watching Netflix at night.
happy new year. those are great goals. mine are to expand my bakery
Happy New Year! Your goals sound really great. I hope that travel will be more open and that you will be able to get to Paris.
One of my goals is to complete the Latin course on Duolingo