Our Class taken at the beginning of the year
Wow. Today marks our LAST regular Tuesday class here at the Institute. It hasn’t hit me just yet that 2 weeks from today my Husband and I will be back in Texas. While I am definitely ready to be back in Texas, in a house (WITH a kitchen- hallelujah!), and actually playing the traditional role as a newlywed wife, I am going to miss having people ask me intentional questions daily. Tomorrow I will be put in front of a panel and for 45 minutes they will ask me questions about the Bible and what I believe. Topics will vary from the Trinity, to angels & demons, to salvation, to gambling and homosexuality. There are roughly 15 different topics. And each of my answers must be backed up 100% by scripture. While this is going to be terrifying (that is an understatement for me), I am also really excited that I actually know that much about my Bible. No, I don’t have nearly as many verses memorized as I would like- or need for that matter. But because of the belief statements that I have had to do and because I have spent the past 7-8 months inductively studying the Word, I know what I believe and why. (For the most part at least). How cool is that? I really think that every church should encourage all Christians to write their own belief statements. We need to turn to the Word and see what it says. We can’t rely on what other people tell us about Scripture. We need to read it for ourselves because too often people take the Word out of context. Over the next few days, weeks, months (we will see which of those 3 it ends up being haha) I think I am going to begin giving you all a list of questions over certain topics to help you dig into the Word and see what you learn. We will go one at a time. I don’t know if I will share my statements with you purely because I want you to come to your own conclusions. Although I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I’m just an email or comment away! And I do love talking about Jesus over a cup of black coffee ;)
Good luck Chloe! I’m sure that will be terrifying at first, but you will do great. Just let the spirit guide you, and bear that testimony!
Thank you for the encouragement Sarah!
I am sure you did great! Excited for life in Texas with you
Thank you