{Nov Trip :: Feb Trip :: Feb Trip :: July Trip}
Today my husband and I are headed back to the Big Apple. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my parents are paying for our flights to go visit them. What a huge blessing! Well, as we head up today I can’t help but think back to the first time we visited the city together- the first time my husband EVER visited the city. It was exactly one year ago this week. To say my husband didn’t share my love for the city the first go around would be an understatement. He was okay with it, but he was definitely ready to go home at the end of the week. The second trip he learned to enjoy the city and by the third trip we were meeting with the apartment complex we planned on moving into. Almost everything was set. But as usual, The Lord’s timing is perfect and He shut the door on our move to NYC- for now. Looking back, we are thankful for His obvious direction. Looking forward, I cannot wait to share with you why He closed that door. But today, my mind and my heart are in the city. So let’s go back to some pictures I took in July and to a post I wrote a year ago. A post that compares our Heavenly Father and the Big Apple.
“This week my husband and I have been blessed with the opportunity to spend the week in New York City visiting my parents. Yes, that is right- we get to see the Macy’s day parade first hand! And it is hubbys first time to the Big Apple!
New York has been one of my favorite cities since the first time my mom and I came to visit when I was in eighth grade. Ever since then my mother and I have visited the city at least once a year as our mother daughter trip. I was even blessed with the opportunity to live in and work in Manhattan one summer. Despite having visited countless times, the city never grows old to me. There is always something new just waiting to be discovered. Today I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the city. The buildings, the history, the culture. So many of the buildings are so old and the detailing is just breathtaking. As I walked down the streets of one of my favorite cities, holding my husbands hand, I couldn’t help but smile. (I either looked like such a tourist or a complete looney-toon).
Today as we were walking I was really aware of how quickly the locals walk through the streets and just how little they look around. It’s as though they have become so used to the magnificence of the city that they fail to recognize how truly beautiful and wonderful it is. There are so many hidden details and beauties. Even a New Yorker (born and raised) could never experience all of the intricate details that make this city so special. When I began to recognize how intricate and beautiful the city was, I could not help but be impacted! I felt so small in such a big, beautiful city.
As I continued to think about this and pray, I began to realize that all of us are (to some extent) in the same boat. Not necessarily with our city, but with our God. We have each become so used to God’s magnificence and how truly beautiful He is, that we walk around without giving Him glory and praise. We need to look around and allow his magnitude to impact us. We must recognize how small we are compared to Him.
Today as you walk around, try noticing at least 5 beautiful things that the Lord put in your path this day. It may be something you see every day but never spend the time to notice or something completely new. Life is a beautiful gift and our God is omnipotent.”
I got to live outside of NYC for a semester of college and went into the city often. It was a completely different experience but I loved it! NYC has a special place in my heart. I really discovered a lot about myself while I was there!
It’s No Secret, The Christians Guide to God’s Law of Attraction
There are four basic areas in life that all must remain in balance. Those four areas consist of your Spiritual life, your Physical life, (fitness), your Relational life. And your Financial Life. It is important to realize that we are never in perfect balance. We will always be leaning one way or another what I am getting at here is that in today’s world we tend to be tilted more than is healthy. That is the purpose of this website and my mission to help people gain a sense of balance in their live’s…..
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