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Your Ambition, Your Story


“The ambitions we have will become the stories we live.
If you want to know what a person’s story is about,
just ask them what they want.
If we don’t want anything, we are living boring stories,
and if we want a roomba vaccum cleaner we are living stupid stories.
If it won’t work in a story, it won’t work in life.”
-Donald Miller

Anyone else love the start of a new year? It is still January which means we have 12 months to turn this year into a great story- a story worth remembering, a story worth sharing. Caleb and I are currently at a crossroad. We are praying through our story. How does the Lord plan on using our marriage and our lives to further His Kingdom? We both have so many dreams and ambitions. Dreams of starting a family, of serving, of traveling, and of learning.

At the moment we are praying through what 2015 will look like after we leave Thailand. If I am being honest, a big part of me yearns to be in NYC with my family while we start setting roots and begin praying about starting our family. While another part of me wants to continue our adventure abroad. Few experiences have taught me more about God’s omnipotence, His faithfulness, and what it looks like to truly rely on Him than living abroad. This year in Thailand Abba has broken and molded me in some of the most unexpected ways.

As we pray through this next step, there is one fact I am certain of. I don’t ever want to wake up one day and realize my life reflects that I think fancy cars and big homes are important. I would rather have someone watch my life and have no question that my story was about loving others and loving our Heavenly Father.


So this is my prayer- that my eyes would be set on Him, that He would lead our every step, that our ambitions would be set on things above, that Abba would continue writing a story of love and faithfulness. We would be honored if you would join us in prayer. We have an interview Tuesday at midnight Thai time. Our prayer is for the Lord’s Will to be done- regardless of the outcome. Beyond thankful for each of you!!

What are your ambitions? What is your story about?




  1. leza nazaroff
    January 19, 2015 / 12:23 pm

    God’s WILL be done, in The name of JESUS. Your heart’s are truly beautiful!! Love to you both❤️

  2. January 20, 2015 / 7:19 pm

    Praying for you!

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