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Answered Prayers & Precious Students

10455857_10152141273536821_1793109554009914368_nThank you for all of prayers on my birthday! They were truly felt! As the day progressed my homesickness dwindled. I am not traditionally a fan of being the center of attention so I did not tell anyone it was my birthday. But my husband and Facebook pretty much told the world. Which in reality ended up being pretty sweet.

My co-teachers all made sure my students knew it was my birthday which meant a few of them would burst out in the ‘happy birthday’ song every time I entered the room. Could they be any cuter? Throughout the day the Lord kept blessing me with precious moments. My third graders kept giving me hugs and kept trying to hold my hand while we walked down the hall. While this is pretty normal, the Lord kept using these moments to whisper truth to my heart. Abba kept reminding me that my students and my co teachers are the reason I am here in Thailand. My students are the ultimate birthday present and I am blessed to spend my special day with them.

My precious first and second grade swim kids also took every moment possible to yell “Happy birthday Teacher Chloé,” even when they were half way down the hall (good thing our halls are indoor/outdoor style). Chloé is hard enough for many American children to say, so hearing the cheeky little Thai kids attempt saying my name is absolutely precious. One student has resorted to calling me Teacher Chocolate or Teacher Swim Club- two of his favorite things. All day their love and affections melted my heart. Thank you Jesus for sweet reminders, answered prayers, and friends/family who are prayer warriors!

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