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Answered Prayers


I’ve got to be honest with you guys. The past few days my heart has been running a million miles an hour- and not always in a good way. Remember the other day how I said one of my goals for 2014 is to plan less so I can live in the present more? Well it has been a lot tougher than I thought. If you follow me on twitter, than you may have seen my tweet on December 26th stating that we checked off a HUGE item on our ‘to do’ list. And last week we officially got our finalized paperwork back. Little did I know, this next step would cause me to lose all patience. I knew this next step would take at least a month before we could check it off and move on. Well, it has been 5 days and I am already going crazy! I’m ready for some answers.  I keep finding myself repeating Ecclesiastes 3:11 and Philippians 4:6 over and over again- both in my mind and out loud {yes, some strangers might think I am going coo-coo}. Looking back His timing has always been perfect. So why have I been so anxious this time?


Well yesterday the Lord answered my prayers asking for peace and joy in this journey. Do I still want to know my answer now? Absolutely. But I am learning to find joy in the waiting. This anxiousness helps keep me focused on Him.

Luke 1.45

 What helps bring you peace & patience in times of waiting?





  1. January 9, 2014 / 6:16 pm

    Oh that is a hard one! I think what you are doing is the best. Keep coming back to the Lord saying, “OK I know you have a plan.” It is hard- yes. But like my dad use to say “Worrying (anticipating) is like a rocking chair. It allows you to do something, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” Just try to focus your energy on other things you can control. Hang in there!

  2. Kayla Little
    January 13, 2014 / 4:27 pm

    I’m so behind on reading your blog!!! I loved the end verse and it has now become my verse for the year!! So glad I am catching up because I am so blessed!!

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