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Anticipating & Celebration

The past few weeks have been filled with so much joy! There is something about the Christmas season that changes our mannerisms and our attitude {even if it is ever so slight- I know mine do}. It has been easy to celebrate and proclaim the name of Christ. The birth of Jesus is a topic that we easily bring up this time of year. But what about in the new year, when we aren’t celebrating the birth of Christ… Will our mannerisms and attitudes change? I’d love to say that no, they won’t change… that we will continue to celebrate and proclaim Christ daily… that we will continue to be filled with the joy of Christ. Because in reality, isn’t that what we are supposed to look like as Christians? Isn’t every day of our life supposed to reflect the fact that we have hope and joy because of His love and His grace.

“I want you to doubt whether or not 
you have been saved, 
if you don’t have a desire to 
strongly pursue and proclaim His name.” 
Matt Chandler

{tweet that quote}

Our home church pastor stated this quote on Christmas Eve and I haven’t been able to get it off my mind ever since. He is right. If we claim to be Christians then we are saying that we are choosing to give up our old self, to turn from my fleshly desires, and to follow Christ. I believe that as a Christian we are called to turn from our sin and repent (Acts 3:19). The Bible does not say that we can have Christ as our Savior but choose to not live for Him. If we want Him as our Savior we must be devoted to Him, we must love Him, we must live for Him.

This past weekend at the Village, the speaker continuously reminded us that we are to be in constant waiting for a coming event. Abraham was waiting for his promised son, Noah was waiting for the promised rain, and we are waiting for the promised return of Jesus. Just as Abraham and Noah continuously prepared for the promise that was to come, we are to prepare for the promise that is to come. We are to live in joyful anticipation.

I cannot wait to begin 2014 in the right mindset. After this past weekend, we are ready to start 2014 living in anticipation of what is to come. 2014 is the year to strongly pursue and proclaim His name.

Happy New Year!



1 Comment

  1. December 30, 2013 / 7:31 pm

    Way to start the new year off with passion and determination! You guys are going to do great things!!

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