{photo from our trip to Vietnam}
I have a confession to make. Recently, my prayer life has been pretty weak and as a result, my heart has lacked the love, joy, hope, & contentment that I am called to have as a believer. I’ve been stuck in my routine and just coasting. Days have been long & busy, yet as I lay my head down at the end of the day, I have nothing to show for it.
I’ve spent a lot of time dreaming. Dreaming about my future, goals, ambitions, adventures… As I was staring out my window the other day the Lord nudged my heart. I could feel the Lord reminding me to pray and to be bold in my prayers. “You do not have because you do not ask God” {James 4:2}. He reminded me that “we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” {Proverbs 16:9}. I was discontent because I was not listening for the Lord’s direction. I wasn’t asking for His guidance.
Each day we have a choice. We can coast through life or we can pray big prayers and pursue Abba’s plan. I’ve been coasting, but starting today I am choosing to pray big prayers. I want to be bold in prayer and bold in my dreams, love, and hope. I don’t want to hold back. I want to boldly ask God for His direction and for Him to show me the steps- no matter how big or small. I believe life can be a grand adventure; we just have to ask for it and be ready to not only listen, but also respond when He gives our next step.