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Asking Questions

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Happy Monday! It’s the start of a new workweek and a beautiful day! I hope that you had a lovely and relaxing weekend and are prepared for a great week ahead (because it WILL be a great week). Last week I told you all about how I was going to be put in front of a panel and asked questions about my faith. Thank you all so much for your encouraging emails and for asking how it went- it went very well and was actually really fun! (Especially once I realized how much I had learned and how confident I was in my answers). In preparing for this panel my heart yearned for all Christians to be able to know and defend their beliefs the way I was being forced to. Yes it takes time and energy- but it is SO worth it. So I am going to begin giving you all a list of questions to ponder. I encourage you to look at each one, think about it, and then go find Bible verses that answer the questions. Have verses to back up every answer. Let the Word speak for itself. Don’t limit yourself to only these questions. This is just a starting place to promote thinking.  And if you have any questions at all I would love to chat with you and find answers together. Just comment below or click the “email” button on the right column of the blog.

Today’s questions will be about God the Father. (Father as in the Father from the Father, Son, Holy Spirit). There are 8 other topics I will give you questions to ponder and answer later. But what better place is there to start than with God the Father?

  • What ATTRIBUTES of God do you consider most important to your belief?
  • What ACTIONS of God do you consider most important to your belief?
  • What SCRIPTURES about God do you consider most revealing or powerful?
  • How does belief in God’s sovereignty play out in your life?
  • What role does God play in the existence of evil?
  • If someone told you they worshipped the God of the New Testament but not the Old, how would you respond?
  • What evidence do you see of God’s grace in the Old Testament?
  • How would you describe the type of relationship God the Father has with man?
  • Why should I believe in God?
  • Why doesn’t God get rid of evil if He is all-powerful?
  • Why is there only one way to get to God?
  • Aren’t God and Allah the same?  Why or why not?
  • How do you believe in God when there is so much suffering in the world?
  • In what ways is man created in the image of God?
  • Where is God when earthquakes hit Haiti?
  • What makes you sure that your God is the one true God?
  • Are you prepared to answer these questions using the claims in your statement?









  1. Robert Budd
    April 15, 2013 / 10:35 pm

    Chloe. We would love for you to share your answers.

    • April 15, 2013 / 10:39 pm

      I initially didn’t want to post my answers purely because I wanted others to come to their own conclusions. I want everyone to decide what they believe- not just decide what I believe is right. Answering these question would be a great thing to do as a quiet time. Might post a link to my answers on my next set if questions

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