Beauty in the Ordinary
I was once posed the question, “what if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked the Lord for today?” Each day is filled with infinite blessings. Big blessings, small blessings, and all of the in between. I…
I was once posed the question, “what if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked the Lord for today?” Each day is filled with infinite blessings. Big blessings, small blessings, and all of the in between. I…
You know what I absolutely love? I love that nothing I do ever surprises God. Everything that happens in my life happens as part of God’s perfect plan, all in His perfect timing. Right now Caleb and I are traveling…
Growing up, my family had an annual trip to Salt Lake City and now I struggle to ski anywhere else. I love returning to the same slopes because I know them like the back of my hand. While I have…
For those of you who may not know, I was born in Newport Beach, California and everyone on my mom’s side of the family still live in the Golden State. While I would love to visit more often, we still make it…
Over the past couple of weeks the Lord has humbled me- again and again. My heart yearns for the world to know His Glory, but in all reality I am one girl. So instead of focusing on the masses, the…
There are so many reasons why I love to travel. International travel is not for everyone, but few experiences have inspired and transformed my faith like experiencing new cultures or different ways of life after during my trip with visiting…
It’s official, Caleb and I have completed half of our contract here in Thailand. How in the world are we already in month 6 of living in Thailand? There are days when my heart is so overwhelmed with thanks that…
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a celebrity? When I was a little girl I thought I wanted to be an actress and thought I wanted all that came with the title. Well, after living…