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Posts by this author:

Answered Prayers

I’ve got to be honest with you guys. The past few days my heart has been running a million miles an hour- and not always in a good way. Remember the other day how I said one of my goals…





Aim High



Stirs My Affections

Is there a better way to spend a Friday night than talking with your spouse about things that stir your affections for the Lord while sipping a hot cup of tea? Just thinking about it makes me grin. Yesterday I…


More Time for Joy

You may or may not know this about me, but I’m a planner.  This is both a blessing and a struggle. I love knowing what is coming and I love to plan out every detail. While this is often very…


This Will be the Year to…

This is our year! It is our year to take chances, to make changes, to be bold, to be brave, to follow our dreams, to pursue Jesus, to be courageous, to share our blessings, & to share our lives with…


2014, I Love You Already!

Happy 2014 friends!!! This is going to be a wonderful year- I can feel it! Prior to the New Year, I always choose a word that will remain at the core of my actions for the coming year. This word…


Anticipating & Celebration

The past few weeks have been filled with so much joy! There is something about the Christmas season that changes our mannerisms and our attitude {even if it is ever so slight- I know mine do}. It has been easy to…


Whole30 in 2014

Ready to hear our cliché plan for January? We are doing the Whole30! Okay, technically we are doing the Whole25 because my husbands birthday is on the 26th. So 25 days it is! One of our general goals for 2014 is…


All Things with Love

Can you believe Christmas has gone and the new year is almost upon us? As 2014 is just days away, my husband and I have begun talking about our goals for 2014. The Lord has already given us so many…


Oh Christmas Card

Anyone else out there LOVE Christmas? This time of the year is filled with joy and the holiday spirit reminds us to focus on our blessings. Regardless of how wonderful or how difficult 2013 was, this time of year should…


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