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Posts by this author:

Exciting Things Ahead!

{1 year of marriage shoot with Ashley Lauren Photography} “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; & suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Saint Francis of Assisi This quote reminds me of Caleb & my 2014 plans.…


So Big, So Small

{via} “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence…


3 Day Juice Cleanse

Anyone else really starting to feel sluggish from the hot cocoa and holiday treats? Normally I like to really watch what I put into my body. But after spending a few days snowed in and fully embracing the holiday spirit…


We’re Moving

Okay, I should preface. When I say we are moving, I mean us, you & me. We are making the transition from wordpress.com to wordpress.org. So if you currently follow this site, I believe you will have to resign up…


Snowed In

It is officially our third day in a row to be snowed in. And surprisingly enough… I’m LOVING it! The past few days have been filled with hot cocoa, Christmas movies, time cuddling by the fireplace talking, preparing for our…


Tis the Season

It’s the hap… happiest season of all! I love Christmas time. The joy the cheer the love & most of all, celebrating the birth of Jesus! Sure, that may sound cliche but it’s true. As much as I love the…





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