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Posts by this author:

A New Perspective is Born

It’s the weekend! Be honest with yourself and do some inner soul searching. Spend time figuring out what you love & find a way to do it! Life is too short to not be intentional. Figure out what fires you up,…


Life is too Short Not to…

Life is short. Okay, some days seem like they go on forever, but in reality life is fast like a “fleeting shadow” (Psalm 144:4, Psalm 89:47). Recently, the Lord has been teaching me a lot about being intentional with my short…


Two Questions

Not too long ago my husband and I watched the movie “The Bucket List.” If I am being honest, I enjoyed parts of the movie but didn’t love it. But I did love the two questions Morgan Freeman’s character asks…


What Fires You Up

A couple of months ago “Making Things Happen Intensive” posted a photo on their Facebook page. Immediately after seeing it I knew I wanted to make something just like it! So after asking for permission, I began. Because it is…


Season of Waiting

Over the past month or so my Husband and I have been in a season of waiting. As a planner and goal setter, this has been especially difficult. But the Lord has been using my study on Ruth to help…


Intentional August

Happy Monday! This weekend I finally finished writing out most of my goals and the steps required to achieve them. No more coasting for this girl! :) Intentional August is off to a beautiful start. This month I am being…


One Wild & Precious Life

Ever since I read Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership email the other day, I haven’t stopped thinking about what my life’s mission statement should be. Growing up my father had come up with an acronym for our families last name and that…



There aren’t enough words to explain everything the Lord has been teaching me recently. In the past month my husband and I have received a lot of good news and a lot of sad news. We’ve experienced everything from seeing…


How to Lead a Life of Purpose

The other week my mom forwarded me an email titled “How to Lead a Life of Purpose” from Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership program.  The opening line of this email asked, ‘What makes the average person truly happy?’ According to Ramsey, research shows…



While at Florida State I loved practicing yoga. There is something peaceful about clearing your mind, focusing on your breathing, and getting in-tuned with your body.  After each class I left with more clarity and focus then I had entering…


More Than We Can Comprehend

To say that this summer has been crazy would be an understatement. From moving back to Dallas, starting a new job, celebrating life with family on the west coast, visiting more family on the east coast, and all of the messy…


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