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Posts by this author:


The Lord has been teaching me a lot about reaping & sowing recently. I believe in tomorrow & I want to bear fruit. As Christians we are called to make disciples & to bear fruit. So one of my goals…


Messy Bits

For as long as I can remember summers have been filled with family, friends, Kanakuk, Saturday’s waffles of wisdom led by my dad, the lake, and traveling.  Thinking back to previous memories has made me quite nostalgic for summer vacations…


Perfect Peace

Happy Sunday! I hope your day is filled with abundant blessings & sunshine! And I pray your week is filled with perfect peace because your heart & mind are set on Him!


Buried Treasures

  There is something so sweet about precious little kids. They have a consistent twinkle in their eyes and always look as though they are in a state of awe. In the Bible study I am currently going through, Kelly…


Happy & Thankful

  Choose to be joyful in your current circumstances. Be thankful for what you have now- today. Live in the present. Be thankful for the now. It is by focusing on your current blessings that you will find true joy.


Radical Love

{via} How beautiful is this image from Ann Voskamp of One Thousand Gifts? Your mission field is where you are right now. You don’t have to be in another country to live radically. Today focus on you can love radically.


Your World

  You have control of your life. Choose how you want to spend it or someone/something else will.


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