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Posts by this author:

Better Things Ahead

  Words cannot convey how thankful I am for the memories I have from my past. And while I will always cherish these beautiful memories, I am even more excited about the future memories that the Lord has in store.…



Take a moment and think about what fills your mind. What clutter do you have in your life/mind that is keeping you from fixing your eyes on Him at all times. Make a list and pray for the Lord to…


Always By Your Side

“But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.” 2 Timothy 4:17 Remember, He stands with you always. Through the peaks,…


California Blessings

Family is hands down one of the biggest blessings the Lord has given me. And as many of you may have noticed from one of these or from here, last month my husband and I visited all of my family…


Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day! I hope you all have fun plans and the day off of work! (And if you are lucky maybe you even have tomorrow off too)! I love the Fourth! Thanks to the many men & women who fought…


A Reason to Celebrate

There are so many things to love about the 4th of July week. And while I do love the 4th of July, my favorite reason to celebrate this week is the birth of my younger brother. My brother (whom I…


Be Led By Your Dreams

If you want to succeed you must focus on your dreams, not your problems. Lara Casey says it best here. To name your fears is to destroy them. What is one of your dreams? How can you make sure your…


Choose To Be…

Be intentional about looking at your cup as being half full today. {Anyone else LOVE this image demonstration of a cup always being full?} Remember what Charles R. Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how…


What is Important

Set your eyes on God first, others second, & yourself third. {Thank you Kanakuk Kamps for embedding the ‘I’m Third’ slogan into my mind at a young age} Let what is important get the best of you & be done…


Be Still

What verse do you believe demonstrates our God’s magnitude? While at the Kanakuk Institute my husband and I were asked this question. After much pondering, studying, and searching I decided that Exodus 14:14 represents our Heavenly Father quite well. Not…


Marvelous Things

Recently my husband and I were blessed with the opportunity to do an ‘anniversary shoot’ with Ashley of Ashley Lauren Photography. It was so much fun to see Ashley again, to meet her fiancé, and to celebrate what a blessed…


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