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Posts by this author:

Change Your World

Mark Twain once said “You are about as happy as you make up your mind to be.” And I agree. But I also think this mindset bleeds over to every other aspect of your life. Career, family, spiritual, friends, health,…


The Thing that Distinguishes Success

The Lord has filled my heart with huge dreams and big ambitions. As these dreams are beginning to come to fruition He has continued to teach me how to handle success and setbacks. A few weeks ago I read Blake…


Live, Love, Care, Speak

In what ways can you do these things today?



You are chosen. Live in such a way that others can see a difference.


Start Fresh

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 We know that each day brings new troubles and new challenges. Leave yesterday’s troubles behind you, let tomorrow’s…


Enjoy Every Moment

What do you plan on doing today to make sure you enjoy every moment?


Sail Away

Life is too short to not take chances, to not do what you love, and to wait to fulfill your Great Commission. Be bold. Take chances. Sail away from the harbor. This life is beautiful, take advantage of it. In…


Grass & Flowers

  Life is beautiful. The past few weeks my heart has been filled with joy and love. My heart is happy and my cup is filled. Life has been extremely busy and a bit chaotic, but God is good. Today…


When You Feel Like Your Drowning…

Don’t you just love this quote? My Mother-in-law (or Mother-in-love as we say) shared this quote with me the other week. Today take a moment and just breathe. “When you feel like you are drowning in life’s situations don’t worry. Your lifeguard…


Is it a Setback or an Opportunity?

Do you remember when we talked about turning our stumbles into part of our dance? Well this is just another reminder. There is no such thing as a setback. Instead of seeing something as a setback, look at it as…


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