
Posts by this author:

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads out there! I could not have asked for a more wonderful father. Growing up my father taught our family an acronym that was made from our last name. He used this acronym…


Learning & Doing

What is something you want to learn how to do but just haven’t tried yet? Let’s make it our goal together to try something or learn something new this week!


If Your Heart Could Speak

The Lord has given me so many desires and so many passions I’m not even sure where to begin. If your heart could speak, what would it say? What passions fill your heart?


Your Heart, Head, & Passion

What has the Lord put on your heart? What kind of thoughts consume your mind? What are some things you are passionate about? {I would love to hear your thoughts!}


Outside the Lines

How are you coloring outside of the lines?


Is It Urgent?

Life is busy. Between work, family, friends, and the in-betweens spare time seems to have become a luxury. What do you make your priority? What things are most important to you? When you look back on your life, what do…


The Best De-stressers

Yes, this is another photo from a week or two ago. There are few things that calm my heart like a gorgeous sunset over the ocean. I believe sunsets are the perfect demonstration of God’s beauty, omnipotence, and love. Sunsets remind…


So Good

Anyone recognize this picture from Newport Beach the other week? My heart is happy & at rest. For the Lord has been so good. What things in life bring you rest?


Bright Light

You have a light within you. You have Christ within you. He created you just the way you are. Don’t let anything dim the light in you that He created.



Over the past few months I have been patiently {okay, sometimes not-so-patiently} waiting to get a full time job. After much time & prayer the Lord finally gave me a job! I could not be more thankful! Through this I…


Life’s Detours

Life is too short to stress about the little things. Life is a beautiful gift that is meant to be enjoyed. Do you have any fun memories that occurred because of one of life’s detours?{I would love to hear stories…


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