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Posts by this author:

A Beautiful Blessing

Marriage has been the best and biggest blessing the Lord has given me thus far in my short life. The Lord has taught me so many beautiful things in and through marriage.  Despite the fact that I am a terrible…


Rejoice in Love

What are a few things that you are thankful for? Start your day by making a list of things that you are thankful are. {or at least come up with 3 blessings in your head right now} Writing this list…


A New Goal

Good morning! Can you believe it is already June?! I absolutely love this month and all that comes with it- bring on the sunshine, loved ones, and bright colors! And as usual, a new month brings on new goals. One…


A Little Coffee & A Whole Lot of Jesus

Remember, it has very little to do with you. It has everything to do with Jesus.  



Start realizing the things that you really like and start realizing the things that you really love. Then start making time more time for the latter of the two. Make your hustle matter. Hustle to keep love a bigger part…


Swimming in Tennis Courts

Are you trying to swim in tennis courts? Okay, if you haven’t read Jon Acuff’s book “Quitter” that question may sound completely ridiculous. Let’s think about tennis courts and pools for a moment. Both are great. Both are rectangles, both…


Recovering Childlike Notions of Grandeur

My younger brother makes it a goal to try something new every day.  He constantly asks, “When is the last time you had a first time?” (Sound familiar from here?) For him this “new thing” can range from trying a…


Proud to Be

Happy Memorial Day! Patriotic holidays are easily some of my favorite holidays. I love seeing everyone in their red, white, & blue and celebrating our country. My Husband & I are currently in Newport Beach, California enjoying the sun, the…


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