
Posts by this author:

Abounding Love

We are officially in wedding season! Anyone else feel as though every weekend another friend is getting married? I love this time of the year. The flowers, the dresses, the dancing… There are so many beautiful things about a wedding.…


Start Somewhere

You know the saying ‘March winds lead to April showers which bring May flowers?’ Well it seems the April showers have decided to return, which I am pleasantly enjoying. A few months ago I downloaded the audiobook version of Quitter…


Happy Mother’s Day

Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms out there! It is a beautiful day & I am so glad today we get to shower each of you with love. Today I want to specifically thank my Mother for…


First Whole30

Anyone else have a sweet tooth? I think my sweet tooth grew in about 3 years ago (and with it came my love of many other unhealthy foods). And being a newlywed has not helped kick these newer eating habits.…


A Daily Dose

Each morning I read a chapter of Proverbs. It is such a wonderful way to begin your day- I highly recommend doing it! I began adding a Proverb to my morning reading 3 years ago and have been blessed by…


Be Awesome in 30 Minutes

The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Looking back at them I don’t know if I should describe them as chaotically busy or chaotically slow. Either way, my Husband and I have moved back to Texas, unpacked, continued applying…


One Thousand Gifts

Do you have a bucket list or a list of goals that you are slowly working to check off? I know I do and if I am being honest, sometimes looking at that list can be a bit daunting. So…


Part of the Dance

Henry Ford said that “failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” In life we are all guaranteed trials, failures, and difficulties. We have no control over that. What we do have control over is how we react to…


Stop & Smell the Roses

Don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life! It is the little blessings that help make up your One Thousand Gifts (blogs about this coming soon!) What is one of your favorite “little things” in life?


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