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Posts by this author:

Happy Thanksgiving

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”   -W.T. Purkiser {Click here to tweet that} {via} Praying each of you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy family, friends, or…


Comparing God & NYC

Today my husband and I are headed back to the Big Apple. I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my parents are paying for our flights to go visit them. What a huge blessing! Well, as we head up today I…


Blessings :: All Things RAD

Happy Monday!! Can you believe the week of Thanksgiving is finally here! This week is easily one of my favorite weeks of the year. This week we all come together to celebrate our blessings and to give thanks ,and then,…


Who Am I?

Over the past few weeks I have begun to ask myself the same question over and over again. Who am I? I believe that in life, who we are continually changes. As I began to ponder this question I thought…


Big Things, Small Beginnings

Last night my husband and I shared our testimonies in our Bible Study & I was reminded all at once at how omnipotent our God is! I spent years very, very lost. But the little seed that was planted in…


This is What You Get in Life

Anyone else love this quote by Oprah Winfrey? “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for” {Tweet That}. Can I get an amen? The past few days my heart has been doing cartwheels. The Lord has…


A Treasure Hunt

Happy Monday!! Can you believe Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK?! To say I am excited is an understatement! As we begin this week I want to introduce you to Morgan of A Treasure Hunt. If you haven’t visited her site yet-…


Celebrating One of My Favorites

This month is all about celebrating the blessings in our life and for praising our Heavenly Father for each gift! Today I want to celebrate one of my favorite blessings. My dad. Today is his birthday. If you have met my father,…


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