
Posts by this author:

With Thanksgiving

prayer more, worry less be thankful always


Making Things Happen

The openness of my Husband & my futures makes me excited & anxious slightly terrified at the same time. I am excited because of all of our options. Where do we want to live, do we want to move to…


Biggest Mistake

  Words cannot convey my excitement for the future! We have so many options and so many opportunities. At the beginning of the year I stated that my goal is to pray more & worry less. Focusing on prayer rather…


Tea Times & Blessings

Okay, humor me. It’s my Husband and my last week in Branson so we I am being somewhat nostalgic. One of our favorite parts about Branson has definitely been our host family. They have been such a blessing and such…



One of my favorite things to do in the world is to travel. What’s not to love about new places, cultures, & experiences? Don’t you agree? (Confession- I even use old airplane tickets as bookmarks. That way every time I…


Asking Questions

Happy Monday! It’s the start of a new workweek and a beautiful day! I hope that you had a lovely and relaxing weekend and are prepared for a great week ahead (because it WILL be a great week). Last week…


Sets Me Free

Praise & worship songs make my heart happy. This song by Addison Road is one of those songs that make both my heart sing and make me literally sing. Today is a beautiful day to praise Him. Happy Sunday!   Remember, His love…


Castles in the Sky

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle How important do you think our actions are? Jeff Goins recently stated, “The more you do, the more you become. And the more you dream,…



Yesterday I shared with you that our time at the Institute is coming to a close and soon my Husband & I begin our next chapter of life. With all of this upcoming change I can’t help but look at…


Looking for Something?