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Posts by this author:

What’s Next

What’s next for you? I’ve learned that life is not made up of big milestones but rather it is made up of the little steps that lead you to those milestones. Each milestone is simply another step along your journey.…


Wordless Wednesday

Remember when we used to have ‘Wordless Wednesday?’ Why did we stop that again? We brought it back last month and we are bringing it back again today in honor of the busy day ahead! Have a blessed day!


Almost Done

Wow. Today marks our LAST regular Tuesday class here at the Institute. It hasn’t hit me just yet that 2 weeks from today my Husband and I will be back in Texas. While I am definitely ready to be back…


Meant to Shine

Happy Monday! Don’t you just love this quote?! I have shared this quote with you twice before, but I think it is a great quote to start the week with. Let your light shine this week! You are more than…


Perfect Sunday

If you could create your perfect Sunday, what would it look like? My dream Sunday is slightly different now then it was a year ago. {This dream does not have to be realistic. Mine isn’t… yet ;) } My dream…


Mak Happi

Today I just want to share with you Mak Happi! Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good head accessory? And with options ranging from lace, crystals, flowers, cotton and more you can literally wear these headbands everywhere! Grab a…


No Excuses, No Regrets

It’s official… I have been sitting here starring at this computer screen trying to find the words to type. Each sentence I write does not seem to be adequate or sufficient. So rather than trying to describe this man’s journey…


Meet Ashley

Good afternoon! Okay, I know I don’t normally do two posts in one day… But I’m just too excited not to share this lovely girl with you! Meet Ashley. Last July Ashley wrote a post about her trip to Uganda…


Currently Loving

Since life is a little crazy over here right now, I just wanted to share with you some of my current favorites. Here you go! 1.) Currently really loving blogs (actually, what’s new? I’ve always loved blogs). Especially loving this…


Adventures Ahead

Is anyone else’s week absolutely crazy?! Where do the hours in the day go? I am pretty sure that I had a cup of black coffee in my hand all day yesterday (no, not the same cup… which is probably…


Finding Everything

Too often in life we focus on me, myself, & I. Do your best today to focus on God, Christ, & the Holy Spirit. He has the answers, we don’t. .


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