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Posts by this author:

Pretty n’ Pink

Happy Monday! This week is going to be absolutely crazy busy for Hubby and me. I’m already counting down the days until I can say TGIF. So my posts this week will most likely be pretty pictures and quotes. But…


He is Risen

Happy Easter!! Today is a beautiful day to just bask in His glory and to bring Him praise! Jesus conquered death. He wins. What a beautiful blessing! Have a blessed day.   [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXp6xcY5IqU] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa8w7mGug0c&noredirect=1]    


The Secret to Cheap Broadway Show Tickets

When you think of New York City, one of the first things most people think of are the Broadway plays. I have loved the theater for as long as I can remember so each trip to the City always include…


Work It

I would by no means consider myself a workout junkie or a gym rat, but I am beginning to enjoy the gym a bit more. Summer is 13 weeks (give or take) away and I am determined to get back…


Based on Truth

Last week at the Institute we studied situational ethics. Can you think of a more important lesson for those going out into the business world? We looked at situations that we will experience in the future and discussed/debated how we,…


Trip to Come

Good morning all and happy Monday! After a cold, snowy weekend I am beyond excited for my Husband and my upcoming trip down to Dallas for Easter! (Can you believe that Easter is around the corner? I hope that you…


Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday. Just wanted to leave you with some encouraging words this Sunday morning. Enjoy the day, bask in the Lord’s glory, & enjoy some quality time with those you love. Be blessed!  


Snowy Saturday

While the Lord did create me to be a sun loving, beach girl- I do love the occasional snow (especially if we are going snowboarding and skiing). But due to the fact that it is now officially spring, I was…


Summer Soirees

The calendar might say that it is spring, but apparently no one told the weather that. We got more snow here yesterday than we did all winter. All of this snow and cold weather has me dreaming of warmer days…


A Little Something Spring

Spring officially began 2 days ago and I could not be more excited! I am beyond ready to say goodbye to the cold and to say hello to the endless sunbeams of spring!! So although we are expecting 4-9 inches…


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