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Posts by this author:

My 2 Valentines

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today I just feel blessed and overwhelmed with God’s love. I know that today we focus primarily on our earthly relationships, but the truth is, if it weren’t for God’s love, my husband and I would not…



Just a simple reminder today to not lose sight of your dreams!


Just a Reminder

Have you really thought about your purpose recently? What were you created to do in this busy life? I know that amidst all of the craziness of life (jobs, relationships, tasks, class, etc) I often loose sight of my purpose.…


Making an Impact

Last week Afshin Ziafat came to speak here at the Kanakuk Institute. If you listen to podcasts you definitely want to look him up. He is the pastor at Providence Church in Frisco, Texas and a regular speaker at “Vertical”…


Wonderful not Perfect

Oh, what a beautiful gift life is. God has blessed me with an incredible husband, loving family, great friends and more than I deserve. Is life perfect? No. Is it wonderful? Yes. Life is going to be whatever you make…



The book of Romans is one of the books I feel as though I have studied individual chapters or sections a plethora of times but had never really studied the book as a whole before. This past week at the…


The Life You Imagined

2013 is already wonderful. Can you believe that we have completed over 1/12 of the year? How are your goals coming along so far? One of my goals for this year was to be more tidy. While I did think…


Back to the Kitchen

In just over 2 months my Husband and I will be returning to wonderful Lone Star state of Texas (unless the Lord surprises us by calling us somewhere else)! The past 6 months here at the Institute have been incredible.…



A few days ago one of my friends posted this statement on Twitter and I simply loved it. And you know what, it is so true. As a single woman I always found myself comparing myself to others. And now…


Loving & Growing

If I were to ask 5 of your friends to describe you, what would they say? When the end of your  life comes, what do you want to be remembered for? As a twenty-something newlywed, the thought of death is…


Happy Birthday!

Today is another day of celebration! Today is my wonderful mother’s birthday! She is the most encouraging, loving, supporting, adventurous, and incredible mother out there! Thank you mom for always encouraging Cameron and my dreams and for helping us do…


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