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Posts by this author:

Daily Dozen

  Each day you have a choice. You either grow closer to who you want to be or further away from who you want to be. Which direction do you want to go?


Lemon Treats

This Saturday is my wonderful husbands birthday! (Happy Birthday Honey!! Love you more than you know! xox) So naturally I have spent some time searching pinterest for some yummy recipes and treats. Confession- I may enjoy this excuse to eat…


No Regrets

Yesterday’s post was short and simple. Do it with passion, or not at all. Shortly after posting that image I received a link via email to a dear family friend’s blog. This blog is both heart wrenching and inspiring.  How can…


Be Blessed in 2013

Happy Sunday!! Can you believe how far into January 2013 we are? I can’t believe it! I am so excited to see what the Lord chooses to do this year. One of the biggest blessings in my life last year…


Teaching for the Future

My story is not very different from most other Christians. I was raised in a Christian home by two wonderful parents who love each other deeply and love the Lord with all their heart. I grew up learning the “stories”…


Dream On

Happy Friday!! If you allow it to, today will be a beautiful day! Make it your goal today to do everything to the best of you ability, be positive and dream big!


A Masterpiece

Have you ever had the chance to see a beautiful sculpture? A few years ago my parents blessed my brother and I with the opportunity to go to Italy. While we were there we spent some time in Florence and…



I am aware that we are almost half way through January, but I still haven’t shared my goals for this year with you guys. It may just be a mental things but I think that if I share them with…


Something New

Remember how a couple of days ago we were talking about doing something new by the end of the month? Well guess what? I already did it! I have wanted to try Zumba for quite a while and finally had…


Looking for Something?