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Posts by this author:


Last week was our first week back at the Institute from our Christmas break and we dove headfirst back into our studies. My head is still spinning trying to comprehend all of the information that we learned (or in my…


It’s a Beautiful Day

It’s a beautiful Sunday! Okay, it’s not exactly beautiful out considering the high is only 33 degrees here- but it is Sunday, God’s day… so therefore it is a beautiful day!  So it’s time for us to get off of…


For the First Time

There are few things I love more than doing something for the first time. Visiting a new place, experiencing new cultures, trying a new activity, learning something new. Don’t you agree? But recently I realized that it has been a…


Weekly Questions

Every Sunday my husband and I have a date. Depending on the weather our date varies from a walk, lunch, coffee or just hanging out. Regardless of what we choose to do we always ask each other 7 questions. How…


Honey-Lime Chicken

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I have shared a recipe with you so I figured it was about time. During one of my husbands and my last nights in Georgia my mother-in-law and I made honey-lime chicken…


New Dream

Life is such an exciting, ever-changing adventure. And goals and dreams are such a beautiful part of that adventure. Are you currently working towards a certain dream or goal? Job, vacation, fitness, spiritual, financial, or any of millions of other…



Lately I have been feeling very inspired. It is a new year and we each have the chance to make this year incredible! My husband and I have no idea what the future holds for us but we know that…


The Crazy Ones

Growing up our parents told us that we could do whatever we set our minds to. And whenever I showed the slightest bit of doubt my father would ask me, “why not you?” And you know what, he was right.…


Everything has Beauty

When you look at the picture above, what did you read? Everything has beauty? The first time I saw this image I simply glanced and failed to recognize the second past- the most important part. “But not everyone can see…


Make Yourself Proud

How serious are you about achieving your goals for 2013? I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to achieve each of mine! Did you know that if you write something down than it is more likely to happen?…


More Less

Welcome to 2013! It is the first day of the year, meaning today you get to choose how you want to start out the year. I have many goals for this year and am excited to approach each goal through…


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