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Posts by this author:

Let’s Do This

  I am a big fan of New Years Resolutions. Am I saying that you should wait until New Years to start making resolutions, no. But it is a new year and allows you to have a new start. So…


Big Girl Job

Do you remember when we were younger and we dreamed about what we wanted to be when we grew up? We dreamed of being astronauts, actors, professional athletes, president, or a princess. Or if you are like me, you wanted…


It’s Almost Here

Hello all! Hope that each of you had a very merry, blessed Christmas! Can you believe that the end of 2012 is just around the corner? After having dreamed, yearned for, and planned every detail of August 24, 2012 for…


Exceedingly Abundant

  Praise His name!


A Couple Details

Words cannot convey my thankfulness to the plethora of individuals who made our Big Day possible and special. While we did hire someone to figure out all the details of our wedding, my mom and I still managed to add…



  Focus on your words today.  



It might be because it was our own wedding, but it was by far the most fun we had ever had at a wedding. (Although we did have countless guests tell us it was the best wedding they had ever…


Christmas Displays

          There is no place like New York City at Christmas. Goodness how I would love for Caleb to enjoy the city more so that we could live there for a year or two. Well, at…


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