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Posts by this author:

Peaks & Valleys

The book of Psalms reads exactly how my week (sometimes day) goes. There are days when all I want to do is sing songs of praise and dance around with joy because I recognize how wonderful our Savior is. Then…



As many of you know, Caleb and I are completely cheesy and love all of the cliché  ‘lovey-dovey’ sayings. So when I say I love who I am when I am around him and he makes me want to be…


Thankful Thursday

Today could be summed up in one word- thankful. Words cannot convey how thankful I am for the countless hours my family has put into making Caleb and my wedding day so special. My aunt and uncle have come over…



Today we begin day 3 of our 10 day prayer. Thank you for making an impact in our marriage! Day 3     Love is best when God is first Matthew 22:37  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your…


Most Beautiful Gift

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hfJtAe_pCY] Is there a more beautiful example of the Lord’s love for us than the gift of marriage? Two sinners can only live alongside one another by doing our best to love one another the way the Lord loves us.…



Here is day 2 of the 10 Days of Prayer! Day 2      Love is Fertile Soil Ephesians 3:17  “that you being rooted and grounded in love.” Pray that Chloé and Caleb will provide safe, loving soil for each other to…



Today marks the last day that we Caleb and I are in the double digits. 10 days from today our “Happily Ever After” begins! I just learned that earlier this morning my father sent out an email to a handful…


This Day

You only get once chance to make to live this day. Make the most of it. Bask in the Lord’s love and mercy and radiate His Light!


Getting Better

If it were not for the Lord’s example, help and unfailing love I do not think that I would like myself very much. It is only by His grace that I am who I am today. And thank goodness that…


More than You can Imagine

  Rejoice in this and live like it!


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