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Today marks our first day in our countdown that is in the single digits! Today also marks day 2 of our ‘10 Days of Prayer for the Bride & Groom.” If you have a moment Caleb and I would be…


Your Face

What you hide in your heart and in your mind radiates through your every being. What is on your heart and mind?


The Revolution

There have been a plethora of interesting new business models that have been introduced over the past few years, but a new start-up called Solavei has what may be the most interesting and radical approaches that I have seen thus…


Who We Are

Over the past few months I have posted about the woman I want to be and the woman that I am working to become. I’ve learned to become much more intentional about seeking the Lord and praying for His assistance…


The Way You Are

Today I am overwhelmed with the thought of how vastly different each and every one of us is. (I should preface, when I use the word ‘overwhelmed’ I do not mean it in a negative connotation. Rather I mean it in…


Too Blessed

Don’t forget to thank the Lord for the infinite blessings He bestows on each of us every day.


Where Has the Summer Gone?

Where has the summer gone? Was it not just two weeks ago that I was moving back to Texas? This summer I had so many plans. Plans to spend time with my friends from Texas, to learn how to use…


21 Suggestions for Success

I would like to add a #0- because it is by fat the most important. Pursue and worship God above all else. As for #1, I don’t completely agree with the statistic. You happiness comes from the Lord- not for…


Fairy Tales are True

  Don’t you ever forget it! Life is a fairy tale!


Part of a Team

As I mentioned before, I love saving money. Dave Ramsey always says you must “live like no one else, so that later you can live like no one else.” Basically he is saying be frugal and get out of debt…


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