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Posts by this author:

1000 Gifts

{wedding photo Scott Cotton Photography :: anniversary photo Ashley Lauren Photography} Happy November! November is easily one of my favorite months. What’s not to love about getting together with family, focusing on blessings, and celebrating life! {And it is my…


Happy Halloween

 Happy Halloween from the Arnolds! Hope your day is filled with blessings & joy!      


Searching for Adventure

Anyone else enjoying the fall? Confession- I traditionally don’t care for the fall. While the changing leaves are beautiful- the cooler weather always reminds me that winter is around the corner… And winter and I are not best friends. But this…


Sometimes it Takes a Preschooler in a Tutu

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXowYIZpYpo&feature=player_embedded] Sometimes it takes a preschooler in a tutu to remind us all that it’s okay to get weird every now and then. Life is short Be yourself and enjoy it! “Let them praise His Name with dancing” Psalm 149:3


Who We Are

Happy Monday! Be intentional about what you do this week because what you repeatedly do makes you who you are.



We are about to enter November, the month of Thanksgiving and a month full of harvest. My goal for November is to be intentional about focusing on my blessings & to faithfully follow Abba so that in His timing, I will…



We are enjoying all of the changes this season. We are soaking up the changing weather and the work needed to prepare for the coming change in the next 6-7 months. {for the record, no, we are not pregnant}. And as a planner,…


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