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Posts by this author:

Where Has the Time Gone?

Where have the past couple of days gone? Oh yeah… into the wedding craft time warp! Oh my goodness. Just when I thought all of our vendors and details were done my mother reminded me of all the things that…


Here’s to a Lifetime of Adventures!

Who doesn’t love a wedding? The love, joy, fellowship, dancing, celebration… Oh I don’t know where to even begin. Although I have only attended a handful of weddings, I do know that my favorite part of the wedding is the…


The Party Starts With

My parents always taught me that the party starts a with the invitation.  So we spent extra time picking ours out. My mom was drawn to the much more traditional invites and I was drawn to the more abstract designs and…


God is Being Patient with You

The other day I told you how much I was blessed by discovering 2 Peter 1. Who wouldn’t want to be an individual of grace and filled with peace? Well after completing chapter one the book takes a bit of…


California Country Wedding

This past weekend my cousin got married in my home state. Although he lives in California, which is commonly thought of as a ‘beachy’ state, his wedding was extremely country and beautiful- which was beyond fitting. My step uncle lives…


What I Love About Sunday

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm3aCyRD3Vg] Happy Sunday! Today marks the start of a new week and the end of the weekend. This week it also marks the last full day that I will be away from my Texas home until the wedding (fingers crossed…


Sonoma Secret

If you have been following my blog for the past two months you know that my life/schedule has been somewhat hectic. Over the course of the last two months I believe that I have spend a total of a 15…


He Speaks

Don’t you just love it when the Lord speaks truth to you through His word when you need it most? Last night as I was sitting in bed having my evening quiet time and writing my prayers in my prayer…


Twenty Five & Silver

Today is a glorious- silver day! Today is silver because it marks the 25th anniversary of the day my sweet parents said ‘I do.’ Words cannot convey how thankful I am to have two parents who love the Lord and have faithfully…


Relaxing Retreat

We are only one week into July and it is already a crazy month! After spending a couple of weeks in Manhattan I was beyond ready for a relaxing week and this week I get to have just that. My…


Quick Trip

After having been apart for a few weeks, guess who I get to see? My handsome man! Got home from New York yesterday, headed up to Branson today to spend some quality time with the love of my life and…


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