
Posts by this author:

May We Be Dangerous

Saw this prayer while visiting K-West. While it is technically written for women, I think that it applies to men as well. Let’s make this our daily prayer. A Dangerous Woman’s Prayer May we be dangerous women. May we be…


Kick Start

The wedding is officially 59 days away and I am more ready than ever!! I just returned from visiting Caleb at Kanakuk’s K-West Kamp near Branson and am inspired, refocused and  rejuvenated. The Lord’s presence is so obvious there and…


Lily & Laura

Who doesn’t like buying a product knowing that it is benefiting others? Today I came across some lovely bracelets made by beautiful Nepal women. Lily and Laura bracelets are handcrafted by women (such as Laura) in the Kathmandu Valley in…



“Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen…



This is hard for me to admit to myself, let alone publically. However, I feel as though I need to verbalize where I am at so that you may hold me accountable and pray for change. For quite some time…


Happy First Day of Summer!

The day is finally here!! Today officially marks the first day of summer. While normal people dread the 100 degree days that are bound to come if you live in Texas (or any of the surrounding states), I just love…


Live Like This

I wish that I had kept count of how many times I came across verses that spoke about this topic- this week alone. While majority of these verses came from the book of 1 Peter, I also came across them…


6 Things

If nothing else, these are 6 simple things to remember and live by each day.


Happy Fathers Day!

Words cannot convey how thankful I am for my father. The Lord has used him to tangibly show me His love as both a young woman and as a daughter. Over the past 20 something years my dad has been a leader,…


New Me

A lot is changing in the next couple of months and I want to make sure that I am steadfast and strong in who I am. I recently came to the conclusion that I wanted to make a list of…


Who Am I?

This summer is already flying by. Graduation was a month ago, the wedding is only two months away and graduate school begins just after that. While I have spent quite a bit of time preparing for graduate school and Caleb…


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