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Posts by this author:

85 Days

85 days until I get to marry the man who has captivated my heart and who cares for me in a way that I thought I could only dream of! I am so excited to begin my life with my…


Qualities for Success

I am back again with more interesting ideas and new insights on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. For those of you who missed a couple of my previous posts about the book I am reading, I am…


Small Habits, Big Results

“Being realistic is the most common road to mediocrity.” –Will Smith “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.”- Demosthenes For the record, I am a college graduate (Boomer Sooner and Go Noles!) with huge aspirations and almost no…


Everyone Has To Start Somewhere

Does anyone else ever feel as though you aren’t equipped to achieve your “larger-than-life” dreams? So often I feel as though the world leads us to believe, ‘Oh, it will never happen to me’ or ‘why me?’.  Well, I have…


For the Blog Lovers & Entrepreneurs

Okay, for those of you who love blogs and have an entrepreneurial spirit, have I got a book for you! My parents’ dear friend (and family friend of ours- Tony Jeary, he has many great books worth reading) recently gave…


Sweet Sweet Words

“Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.”- Maurice Seitter “The success of a marriage comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both partners to adjust to the real person they inevitably…


Open Me

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t07u56kktMk]  There are few things I love more than worship music! It is so uplifting, encouraging, beautiful, keeps the Lord on the forefront of my mind and so so much more… This song came on while I was working and…


Your Heart Will Explode

So many exciting things are just around the corner! Graduation, summer, my brother working at Kanakuk’s K-West, Caleb and my wedding, my parents move to New York City, graduate school and so much more!! My heart is so excited that…



There is something so beautiful and graceful about the art of ballet. In my last semester of college I was blessed with the opportunity to take what will probably be my last ballet class (it may as well have been…


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